Venetia. NYL

Just keep moving forward and don't give a shit about what everybody thinks. Do what you have to do, for you.
- Johnny Depp

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fourteen. touch
Monday, 25 March 2013 | 0 comments

Have you ever sat down alone in your room filled with walls and finally, think. Think about countless of scenarios and direct them to whatever wish you desire to see? Imagine the wonders of what will happen in the near future
what will you feel when you are old in your 70s?
what adventure awaits you when you hit 30?
what kind of life will you be having?
what face of that someone will you wake up to everyday?
what happen?
Well, what actually did not happen?

This things (I call them pipe dreams) finally caught up to me and they evaluate closely on what I've done for the past years and they refused to let me go. They keep coming back to me with the same questions - "Did you regret anything in the past?"

And frankly speaking, yes, I regretted but is it possible for me to have an escape route? Maybe, maybe not. Someday, I will know.

"There are no realists. Everyone thinks they're being realistic. Nobody has an objective view of their thinking. Pessimistic thoughts feel realistic to a pessimist. Optimistic thoughts feel realistic to an optimist. If you think you're a realist you're probably a pessimist, because obviously you've found a reason to tone down expectations" - Thought Catalog

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